Clause | Title | Effective Date | Comments |
C000 | Acceptance of Material Prior to Schedule Date | 3/1/2004 | |
C001 | Early Delivery | 2/2/2023 10/16/2005 3/1/2004 |
C001V | Authorization for Early Shipment | 1/5/2005 11/29/2004 |
C002 | Authorization for Early Shipment | 8/30/2016 12/15/2008 |
C002S | Early Delivery Not Authorized | 9/1/2005 | |
C003 | Accelerated Delivery Desired | 2/2/2023 10/21/2005 |
C004 | Early Delivery Not Authorized | 12/15/2008 | |
C100 | Returnable Containers | 3/1/2004 | |
C101 | Perishable Goods Requiring Refrigeration | 3/1/2004 | |
C102 | Receiving Report -- Direct/Drop Shipments, Ship in Place | 9/18/2012 1/31/2012 4/28/2004 |
C102S | Shipping Documents | 8/5/2005 11/29/2004 4/1/2004 |
C103 | Commercial Bill of Lading -- Freight Prepaid | 1/25/2011 | |
C103S | Commercial Bill of Lading -- Freight Prepaid | 4/1/2004 | |
C104 | Commercial Bill of Lading -- Freight Collect | 12/15/2006 | |
C104S | Commercial Bill of Lading -- Freight Collect | 4/1/2004 | |
C105 | Expedited Shipment | 12/15/2006 | |
C105S | Expedited Shipment | 4/1/2004 | |
C106 | Shipping Instructions | 12/15/2006 | |
C106S | Shipping Instructions | 4/1/2004 | |
C107 | Shipping Documents | 11/15/2011 12/19/2006 12/15/2006 |
C107S | Ground Routing Instructions | deleted | |
C108S | Air Routing Instructions | deleted | |
C109N | Collect Shipment - San Aantonio | 12/15/2006 | |
C109S | Collect Shipment -- San Antonio | 10/16/2005 4/1/2004 |
C110S | Collect Shipment | Deleted | |
C111L | Standard Shipping Instructions | 10/8/2004 | |
C112L | Special Shipping Instructions | 10/8/2004 | |
C113L | Special F.O.B. Information | 10/8/2004 | |
C114L | Additional Shipping Instructions | 5/24/2011 5/1/2006 10/8/2004 |
C115 | Shipping Instructions For Foreign Procurements | 12/15/2006 | |
C115L | Shipping Instructions for Foreign Procurements | 10/8/2004 | |
C116S | UPS/Parcel Post Shipments | Deleted | |
C117S | Collect Shipment -- BASC | 4/1/2004 | |
C118 | PREMIUM PAYMENT FOR EXPEDITING (Variable Text) | 7/29/2014 | |
C119P | Identification of Shipper (Variable) | 11/29/2004 | |
C120P | Direct Shipments | 3/8/2008 11/29/2004 |
C121 | Handling of Classified Matter | 10/27/2015 | |
C121P | Package, Marking and Shipping | 6/14/2011 6/1/2005 11/29/2004 11/11/2004 |
C121S | Handling of Classified Matter (Variable) | 11/29/2004 | |
C122S | Seller to Ship Government Bill of Lading | 11/29/2004 | |
C123S | Milstrip Requisition Numbers | 11/29/2004 | |
C124S | National Stock Number | 11/29/2004 | |
C125S | Allowance of Alternate Part Numbers (Variable) | 10/3/2005 11/29/2004 |
C126 | Shipping Quantity Tolerances (Variable) Shipping Quantity Tolerances |
1/18/2005 1/5/2005 |
C127M | Shipping -- No Cost To Buyer | 6/9/2005 | |
C128M | Pickup By Buyer Truck | 6/9/2005 | |
C129L | Lot Shipment | 6/7/2005 | |
C130M | Delivery, Notice Of Delay, Packaging And Shipment | 8/5/2005 6/9/2005 |
C131M | Foreign Supplier's Shipments | 7/22/2005 | |
C132M | Routing Instructions -- Call Buyer | 7/22/2005 | |
C133 | Shipping Instructions | 3/24/2006 11/4/2005 10/16/2005 8/5/2005 |
C134 | Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) Shipping Instructions | 9/14/2006 | |
C135W | Identification Of Unique Part Numbers | 12/20/2006 | |
C136 | DD250/WAWF Accuracy & Training | 8/12/2008 | |
C137 | Direct / Drop Shipments, Ship-in-Place | 9/18/2012 1/31/2012 |
C138 | Receipt Confirmation -Drop Shipments | 8/10/2018 |
C139 | Receiving Report - Direct Shipments, Ship-in-Place, and Bill and Hold | 8/10/2018 |
C140 | Receipt Confirmation - Direct/Drop Shipments (BGS-Commercial) | 10/2/2018 |
C200P | Utilization of DD Form 250 (Variable) | 11/29/2004 9/30/2004 |
C201P | Canadian Import Shipments For Delivery to Boeing Helicopters | 11/29/2004 9/30/2004 |
C202P | DD 250 Utilization | 11/29/2004 | |
C203 | DD Form 250 Completion Requirements | 4/6/2006 7/22/2005 |
C203H | DD Form 250 / Wide Area Work Flow Preparation | 5/8/2018 5/30/2013 4/23/2013 10/23/2012 |
C203S | DD Form 250 Completion Requirements | Deleted | See C203 |
C204S | Return via DD Form 250 | 3/8/2008 2/4/2005 |
C205 | Return Via DD Form 1149 | 4/13/2021 3/30/2021 |
C205S | Return via DD Form 1149 | 2/4/2005 | |
C206M | Return Shipment via GBL or DD250 (Variable) | 6/9/2005 | |
C207M | Shipping via DD1149 or GBL | 6/9/2005 | |
C209M | Bill of Lading -- Buyer Approve Carrier | 7/22/2005 | |
C210S | Raw Material Packing Sheet | 11/18/2005 | |
C211S | Raw Material Packing Sheet (MAC FORM 1150) | 11/18/2005 | |
C212 | DD Form 250 / Wide Area Work Flow / Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (WAWF/PIEE) Preparation | 7/21/2020 | |
C213 | DD Form 250 / Material Inspection and Receiving Report | 7/21/2020 | |
C300 | Hardware Packaging | 12/15/2006 | |
C300S | Hardware Packaging | 4/1/2004 | |
C301 | Electrostatic Discharge | 9/10/2013 12/15/2006 |
C301S | Electrostatic Discharge | 11/4/2005 8/5/2005 8/11/2004 4/1/2004 |
C302 | Special Packaging Instructions | 5/5/2011 12/15/2006 |
C302S | Special Packaging Instructions | 4/1/2004 | |
C303S | Heat Sealed Bags | 4/1/2004 | |
C304S | LOGMARS/Bar Code | 4/1/2004 | |
C305S | Direct Ship Packaging Manual | 11/29/2011 4/1/2004 |
C306W | Asbestos Free Dunnage | 4/1/2004 | |
C307M | Direct Ship Packaging Manual | 6/9/2005 | |
C308L | Direct Ship Packaging Manual | 6/7/2005 | |
C309S | Ship For Overhead Handling | 11/18/2005 | |
C310S | Packaging - Procurement Specification | 11/20/2009 | |
C311S | 30M Supplement Requirements | 11/20/2009 | |
C312A | Tape and Reel | 5/24/2011 12/11/2009 |
C313E | Packaging, Identification and Traceability Data - Deliverable | 6/26/2012 5/27/2011 7/9/2010 |
C400 | Bar Coded Shipping Labels | 1/26/2016 3/1/2004 |
C401 | Special Marking Instructions (Variable) | 9/22/2005 3/1/2004 |
C402 | Marking Requirements -- Contract Numbers | 3/1/2004 | |
C403 | Marking Requirements -- Content Identification | 3/1/2004 | |
C404 | Seller Identification | 12/15/2006 | |
C404S | Seller Identification | 4/1/2004 | |
C405S | Shipping Labels | 4/1/2004 | |
C406L | Manufacturer Identification | 10/8/2004 | |
C407L | Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) | 10/8/2004 | |
C408L | Identification of Perishable/Hazardous Material | 10/8/2004 | |
C409P | Packaging/Shipping/Marking | 11/29/2004 11/11/2004 10/18/2004 |
C410P | Tooling Raw Material -- Marking Requirements | 12/15/2004 11/29/2004 |
C411P | Measles Tag on Shipping Container | 11/29/2004 | |
C412P | Measles Label | 11/29/2004 | |
C413P | Labeling The Outside of All Containers | 11/29/2004 | |
C414V | Package Marking Instructions (Variable) | 11/29/2004 | |
C416M | Shipping Returns | 6/9/2005 | |
C417 | Explosives -- Carton Marking | 5/19/2006 | |
C417M | Explosives -- Carton Marking | Deleted | See C417 |
C418 | Marking Requirements - Aircraft on Ground (AOG) | 8/28/2018 | |
C500 | Seller Prepared DD Form 250 | 3/6/2008 3/1/2004 |
C501 | Direct Shipping Instructions (Variable) | 3/1/2004 | |
C501S | Distribution Instructions For Shipping Documents | 11/4/2005 | |
C502 | Direct Shipment to the Government | 11/15/2011 3/8/2008 3/1/2004 |
C503 | Suspension of Deliveries | 3/1/2004 | |
C504 | Delivery Schedule Extensions | 10/16/2018 7/22/2005 |
C504S | Delivery Stretch-Outs | Deleted | See C504 |
C505 | Shipping Tolerances -- 5% | 4/1/2004 | |
C506 | Shipping Tolerances -- 10% | 4/1/2004 | |
C507 | Shipping Tolerances -- 15% | 4/1/2004 | |
C508 | Shipping Tolerances -- 20% | 4/1/2004 | |
C509L | Special Delivery Instructions | 10/8/2004 | |
C510M | Delivered To The Receiving Dock | 6/9/2005 | |
C511M | Ship via GBL or DD Form 250 | 3/8/2008 6/9/2005 |
C512 | Outside Receiving Reports | 12/15/2008 | |
C512M | Outside Receiving Reports | 6/9/2005 | |
C513M | Early Shipments | 6/9/2005 | |
C514S | Material Shortage Affecting Schedule | 9/1/2005 | |
C515S | Seller Lead Time -- (Variable) | Deleted | See Clause D014S |
C516 | Source Acceptance When Shipping to a Government Entity | 10/10/2017 8/25/2015 1/21/2014 |
C517 | Destination Acceptance When Shipping to a Government Entity | 10/10/2017 1/21/2014 |
C520 | DD Form 250 / Wide Area Work Flow / Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (WAWF/PIEE) Instructions | 2/16/2024 | |
C600 | EXW (EX-Works) (Variable) | 9/22/2005 | |
C601 | FCA(Free Carrier) (Variable) | 5/12/2020 9/22/2005 |
C602 | FAS (Free Alongside Ship) (Variable) | 9/22/2005 | |
C603 | FOB (Free On Board) (Variable) | 9/22/2005 | |
C604 | CFR (Cost and Freight) (Variable) | 9/22/2005 | |
C605 | CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freight) (VAR) | 9/22/2005 | |
C606 | CPT (Carriage Paid To) (Variable) | 9/22/2005 | |
C607 | CIP (Carriage & Insurance Paid To) (VAR) | 9/22/2005 | |
C608 | DAF (Delivered At Frontier) (Variable) | 9/22/2005 | |
C609 | DES (Delivered Ex-Ship) (Variable) | 9/22/2005 | |
C610 | DEQ (Delivered Ex-Quay) (Variable) | 9/22/2005 | |
C611 | DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) (Variable) | 9/22/2005 | |
C612 | DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) (Variable) | 9/22/2005 | |
C613 | DAT (Delivered At Terminal) (Variable) | 2/21/2011 | |
C614 | DAP (Delivered At Place) (Variable) | 5/8/2012 2/21/2011 |
C615 | International Drop Shipment Routing & Billing Instructions | 5/12/2020 | |
C616 | Shipping Tolerance | 7/28/2022 |
BDS Common Terms and Conditions
Section C - Transportation/Shipping/Packaging/Marking/Routing
Page last revised: 11/15/2012