Transportation, Warehousing & Logistics has the enterprisewide responsibility, accountability and authority to manage and accomplish logistics service. The scope includes shipment routings, efficient and economical use of freight transportation, preparation of export transportation documentation, dangerous goods shipment routing, "for hire" freight transportation services and support by common carriers and freight forwarders, and third-party logistics or lead logistics provider service acquisition.
Boeing Transportation, Warehousing & Logistics 24/7 Hotline

Packaging Requirements
D37522-6, “Packaging Instructions,” is intended as the primary packaging standard for use by all suppliers providing products to Boeing and in no way relieves the supplier of product quality or performance. The Enterprise Packaging Team will partner for success with suppliers to ensure compliance with D37522-6.
This standard covers the basic packaging and labeling requirements and instructions followed by all suppliers in the preparation of products for shipment to Boeing and our customers as directed. The standard considers the following criteria in selecting packaging:
- Ergonomics and safety of employees when removing parts from the packaging
- Orientation and ease of access to parts when handling
- Packaging in compliance with Standard Practice for Commercial Packaging (ASTM D3951)
Supplier Management or the procurement organization shall reference D37522-6 in purchase documents as a supplier packaging requirement. This document does not apply to personnel use items, janitorial and basic supplies, and similar commodities that are not intended to be incorporated into Boeing products or services.

Global Routing Guide
Boeing has procured service providers to host an interactive web tool to be utilized by Boeing suppliers and shippers as a means to obtain the information currently available on the Boeing Shipment Routing Instructions.

Boeing WCO Supply Chain Security Guidelines for International Shippers

In support of Boeing's certification in the World Customs Organization’s nationally recognized supply chain security programs, these security requirements and guidelines are provided to supply chain stakeholders: international shippers, warehouses, transportation service providers, and customs brokers to institute effective security practices. These practices are designed to ensure supply chain security that mitigates the risk of loss, theft, and introduction of contraband that could potentially disrupt the global supply chain and our business.
Importer Security Filing (for Ocean Shipments)
Ocean Container Clause
If Seller will be shipping Goods by ocean transport destined to arrive within the limits of a port in the United States by vessel, Seller shall (i) Complete Commercial Invoices in compliance with the Detailed Instructions in the Ocean Container Clause; (ii) Use the approved Buyer contracted forwarders, unless otherwise authorized in the contract or as directed in writing by Buyer's Authorized Procurement Representative; and (iii) Provide Commercial Invoices to the forwarders at time of booking, but no later than 72 hours prior to the Goods being loaded at a non-U.S. port aboard a vessel destined for the United States.