Conceptual image of data points on a blue background

Model Based Engineering (MBE) Supplier Integration

Model Based Engineering (MBE) – What is it?

Model Based Engineering (MBE) is an approach to product development, manufacturing, and lifecycle support that uses digital modeling and simulation to drive first time quality and reliability.

MBE is many things. It is:

  • A methodology to drive more disciplined systems engineering.
  • A philosophy supported by tenets of a single-source of engineering data, digital system models, digital twin models, and the digital thread.
  • Enabled by an evolving toolset of capabilities.
  • An enduring asset that spans the entire lifecycle of the program from the initial development of requirements through aftermarket services.

MBE integrates different models across the product, the production system, aftermarket solutions, and test and evaluation.

The MBD diamond is a graphical representation of how Boeing operates in a MBE ecosystem and reflects the relationship between the virtual product and the physical product from needs to solution leveraging the potential of the digital thread.

Learn more by clicking through the images below.


Model Based Engineering (MBE) – Why does it matter?

MBE helps to ensure safety and provides transformative first-time quality and productivity through:

  • A single source of truth that increases the ability to optimize end-to-end lifecycle solutions.
  • Digital system models and digital twins that drive iterative learning and feedback.
  • High-fidelity authoring that enforces design and modeling standards.
  • Modeling the production system with the same rigor given to the product.
Model Based Engineering Graphic

Model Based Engineering (MBE) – Digital Thread

The digital thread is a linked set of artifacts whose consistency is actively managed over the life cycle of the product. The digital thread is an engineered digital system. As the design matures over time, the relationships of these models become the foundation for design re-use, cycle time reduction, and improved quality.

Note: This view depicts that full lifecycle and the elements that will be different in the future. Click the image for a larger view.

Model Based Engineering (MBE) – Boeing & Supplier Collaboration

Boeing Focus Areas:

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Maturing our methods and developing our skills in partnership with our supply chain

Boeing is focused on maturing our methods and developing our skills. To support this effort we have deployed a MBE supplier capability assessment tool. To learn more about the supplier assessment tool and/or get started with the assessment. Click Here

Icon of nodes going to box demonstrating framework
Pathfinding our MBE engagement framework with our supply chain

Boeing is pathfinding our MBE Framework focusing on continuous improvement and learning together with our supply chain about these framework. To learn more about the MBE framework and our four levels of collaboration. Click Here

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Boeing is sharing our thoughts on MBE standards and their role in the digital thread

Our focus as we develop the methods and framework continues to be on interoperability which is the ability to exchange information in an open vendor neutral way. Our goal is to be able to share information without needing the same version of software on both sides. To learn more about our thoughts on data standards. Click Here

Supplier Focus Areas:

Icon of hands on puzzle pieces
Share your needs in industry forums

We invite our supply chain partners to join the conversation and shape the future by getting involved in industry forums focused on managing model based data across the value stream. For a listing of representative industry associations and links for more information. Click Here

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Understand your relationship with Boeing’s approach to digital models and data

Data and process standards continue to advance with the times and the standards we use to execute the business have to progress just like software. Data standards are aligned to specific areas of the Model Based Engineering (MBE) taxonomy; to learn more about Boeing’s MBE taxonomy. Click Here

Icon of a head with a lightbulb, demonstrating an idea
Grow your model based capabilities

No matter the size of your company: small, medium or large, we encourage you to increase your digital acumen and become more digitally enabled. Here’s how we’re thinking about the needed competencies for data, processes, tools, people and training. Click Here

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Resources

Q. Why is Model Based Engineering (MBE) important to Boeing? Will MBE be mandated to be a supplier for Boeing?
A. Our business is leveraging the full capability of digital and our supply base is integral to that journey. We are adapting to take advantage of these capabilities as they are foundational for our future programs and we encourage our suppliers to continue to grow their digital competencies.

Q. What should my strategy be to best align with Boeing’s expectations?
A. You should identify what standards are available to you considering the following questions:

  • Does your business strategy acknowledge data standards?
  • Do your tools implement the key data and process standards?
  • Are your technologies supported by industry standards?
  • Does your capability roadmap acknowledge the essential nature of the digital transformation, support a digital ecosystem and digital thread? Additionally, does it acknowledge emerging standards or capabilities such as product lifecycle management where we often see capability gaps?

Q. Is Boeing going to dictate the use of particular tools and/or tool suites?
A. In the vast majority of cases Boeing does not plan to mandate any particular tools or tool suites. Rather our emphases will be for supplier models and data to seamlessly integrate with our Boeing MBE environment through standardized interactions and data specifications.

Q. When can I expect to see requirements for MBE in your Request for Quote (RFQ)/Request for Proposal (RFP)?
A. New program activity will always guide our efforts. That said, we are developing User Stories, Source Control Drawing, Product Specification, Statement of Work and Engineering Administrative Agreement strategies and enhancements that will convey our model based requirements and identify the data standards which enable model-based interoperability. As always, we will want your comments.

Q. Who do I contact as resource for questions about MBE at Boeing?
A. You can e-mail with questions or comments.

Note: This content does not modify any contract with Boeing or serve as guidance on contractual requirements.  Any questions regarding contractual performance should be submitted in accordance with the terms of the contract.