Terms and Conditions


Terms Overview

The Boeing Company has numerous contracts that suppliers must abide by in order to do business with the company. The following sections provide examples of our standard terms for our various divisions.

Boeing Research & Technology Terms and Conditions

International Terms and Conditions


Suppliers must comply with Boeing policies and procedures when doing business with Boeing Defence Australia Ltd (BDA) or Boeing Australia Holdings Pty Ltd (BAH). Suppliers are responsible for reading and complying with the documents available from this webpage.

Contact Information

Suppliers wishing to be considered for future business opportunities should first review Purchase Order Terms and Conditions before requesting via email to have your information forwarded to the correct member of the Supply Chain Management team.

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

All goods and services supplied to BDA or BAH are required to be supplied in accordance with standard Purchase Order Terms and Conditions unless a separate overriding written contract has been executed.

Policies, Procedures, Standards and Codes

United Kingdom

Suppliers must comply with Boeing policies and procedures when doing business with Boeing Defence UK Ltd (BDUK)

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions

  • Boeing UK General Provisions
  • Policies, Procedures, Standards and Codes

  • Boeing Supplier Code of Conduct
  • 2023 Boeing Sustainability Spotlight UK and Ireland
  • Information for UK Small and Medium Enterprises (UK SMEs)

    BDUK continue to support activities in alignment with the UK Ministry of Defence SME Action Plan.

    Suppliers wishing to expand into the defence market should be prepared for additional requirements and levels of governance in order to be ‘Fit For Defence’. Therefore, suppliers should consider the following to prepare for contracting with major primes in the UK:

    • Cyber Essentials certification

    • DEFCON compliance

    • JOSCAR membership/ SME registration (see links below)

    • Applicable ISO standards

    • NET Zero Strategy/ ISO14001

    • Understanding of the UK Government's social value requirements and expectations

    This is not an exhaustive list and may change depending upon product, service and customer requirements. We recognise that working with new Industry and Government requirements brings additional complexities and are therefore willing to support the readiness of our SMEs in this sector.

    The Hellios SME Portal has been created in collaboration with JOSCAR. In response to the SME Action Plan it aims to improve visibility of SMEs to buyers across defence, aerospace and security sectors. The portal is a free platform for SME suppliers to register their product and services for buyers, allowing them to showcase their capabilities to JOSCAR Prime Contractors and Defence HQ.

    BDUK publish sub-contracting opportunities on The Defence Sourcing Portal (DSP)

    If you have any further questions then our BDUK Supply Chain team can be contacted here

    Useful links

    Boeing United Kingdom

    Boeing Capability Assessment Database

    Joint Supply Chain Accreditation Register (JOSCAR) Website

    Boeing JOSCAR Brochure

    UK MOD Doing Business with Defence - Opportunities and Innovation in the Defence Supply Chain

    UK Government Social Value

    ADS Supply Chain Solutions

    Prompt Payment Code