Small Business
A U.S. business concern that is independently owned and operated, is not dominant in the field of operations in which it is bidding and meets the NAICS size standards as prescribed in and Code of Federal Regulations, Title 13, Part 121. Consult your regional or district SBA office if further clarification is needed.
Large Business
A U.S. business concern that exceeds the small business size code standards established by the SBA.
Non-US Business Size
To be applied based on country size designations of the supplier entity. Includes Large Business, Medium Business, Small Business, and Micro Business.
Non-Profit Organization
Any organization not conducted or maintained for the purpose of making profit (excluding HBCU/MI's and AbilityOne). Includes universities, colleges, & local, state & federal governments.
A U.S. business concern that is affiliated with AbilityOne. AbilityOne partners provide employment opportunities for people who are blind or have significant disabilities to deliver high quality, mission-essential products and services to Federal agencies in quality employment opportunities.
Historically Black College/University or Minority Institution (HBCU/MI)
HBCUs are institutions that were established before 1964 and have a principal mission that was, and is, the education of Black Americans. MIs are institutions that substantially increase the higher education opportunities for minority and/or low income students who are educationally disadvantaged or underrepresented in post-secondary education. HBCUs and MIs must meet the requirements of Title 34 of the CFR, Parts 608.2 and 607.2, respectively.