Doing Business with Boeing

Material Review Authority Request Guidelines for Boeing Houston Purchase Contracts

When a supplier is not authorized Material Review Authority (MRA) by either the Boeing Houston contract or by the Supplier’s Quality Management System requirements, the supplier may request MRA as follows:

The supplier contracts office shall submit a contract letter to the Boeing Houston Buyer named on the affected Boeing Houston Purchase Contract. The request shall include the Houston Purchase Contract Number and the supplier’s letter tracking number. In addition to the MRA letter, the supplier shall provide 1) the names and MRB Résumé’s of the supplier’s Quality and Engineering personnel expected to perform the MRB review activities, 2) the supplier’s current policies and procedures governing the supplier’s MRB process.

Once received, the Boeing Program Quality and Engineering functions will review the information for adequacy for supplier performance of MRA. Upon completion of review, an approval and/or rejection letter will be issued by the Program QA function and provided to the Boeing buyer. Approvals will be provided via a Boeing Houston Purchase Contract change.


  • Per AS9100, supplier request for MRA is not required when the item procured is the supplier’s design and the Boeing contract does not prohibit MRA.
  • Unless otherwise stated in the contract, MRA is never authorized for:
      • Customer Furnished Property
      • Government Furnished Property
      • Government Furnished Property for which the supplier still retains design cognizance, but the design has been base lined and previously sold to the Government