For all other procurements of multilayer PWBs, flex, and rigid flex boards (MIL-P-50884, MIL-P-55110, IPC-6012, etc.), all coupons, cross-sections, PPA boards and test specimens, et cetera, must be traceable to individual printed wiring boards and must accompany the shipment to the destination address on the Purchase Contract.
A copy of the supplier’s test report analysis for microsections (“Group A”) must accompany the test coupons and microsections shipped to Boeing. (A copy of the shop traveler must be sent along with certifications, when requested.) Serial numbers must also be on the packer.
Multilayer boards and flex circuits require Buyer’s M&P Lab approval prior to any further assembly operations (i.e. next assy level, heatsinks, etc.). Test coupons and microsections shall be delivered to Boeing for analysis and approval by Engineering prior to subsequent assembly operations.
When shipments are split, or when the cross-sections are Gang-mounted, note the date of original shipment on the packer. |